Earlier this year I made a few resolutions for this year.
So far I have completed the following:
Finished and reviewed “Groovy In Action”
Refresh on networking
Despite this not being much, I have learned many new things about disk storage, and Maven. Also, I’ve created a new GitHub repository for a ogg2mp3 script that I created.
Things left to learn/do:
Finally get around to learning GridGain. [I would love to see a well published book, or at least a Kindle eBook to get some headway on this] HazelCast would also be interesting, but GridGain has more of what I’m looking for.
Finally understand how network routing works.
Get more experience with DNS, and DNS tools
Master NMap [not just learn the basic uses of it, but to really excel with the tool] This would be similar to the reading up on SSH I did last year.
Get up to conversational level German. [Living outside of German speaking nations makes this incredibly difficult]
Finally develop some strong time management habits.
Learn how to use Python [to the point where you can do some cool stuff with it]
Learn R [rather than haphazardly hack]
Meet/talk with some of the gurus of airfare scheduling/decoding, and the famous Tom Stuker.
Learn how to use GraphViz [This is one of the odd ones here, but it’s interesting]
Get better with Erlang and to find/make real world uses.
Learn/Create a GUI in Apache Pivot
Create a web interface with either Stripes and/or Wicket.