Some of the things that I’ve been up to in the last few months:

  1. I saw Metallica for the first time a few days ago! That was pretty awesome. I would say that was either my third or second best concert that I’ve ever seen. The first best was Rammstein at the Open Air Festival last year.

  2. I learned about Try/Ether in Scala. That’s pretty awesome. Expect a blog post coming out about that

  3. I started doing the X Effect challenge for 50 squats a day over 49 days. So far I’m 40 days in and I’ve only missed 3 days. That’s pretty awesome.

  4. Wearing sunglasses when it’s sunny is a good idea. It helps to prevent your eyes from straining. I feel like I should have learned this a long time ago. Doh.

  5. I’ve been experimenting with turning my phone off while at work and during social events. This has helped my concentration and focus immensely. Although, it has been a learning experience with quick attempts to check the phone.

  6. I’ve taken a hiatus from side projects for the last 4 months. It’s been nice to have a life back and not worry about getting a huge project done.

  7. My parents came up to Chicago and we visited Davenport, IA. We got to see the Mississipi River. 

  8. I got a fantastic new camera: the Lumix LX10. I love the thing. It’s been taking some great pictures.

  9. I’ve recently started planting more house plants. I added more snake plants, bird of paradise, cactus, and an aloe plant. Outside: I replaced a large weed with an annual Lilly.

  10. I learned how to make side cars with the brandy that my friend Erik gave me for my birthday.

  11. I learned about how amazing Oaxacian tamales are. I had these at the Taste of Little Village Festival

I’m sure that I’ve been up to more, but that’s all that comes up to mind